CGAP Briefing Note 11 - A decade of donations in the UK - household gifts to charity 2001-11

This Briefing note updates figures and charts presented in previous briefing notes in the CGAP series.

This note serves primarily to update figures and charts presented in previous briefing notes in the CGAP series using pooled data from over 68,700 households in the Office for National Statistics Living Costs and Food Survey (LCF) from April 2001 to December 2011.

It offers:

  • estimates of participation in charitable giving and amounts donated over time;
  • a regional analysis over time and by income group;
  • a comparison of donations with other gifts within and between households.

The paper can be downloaded at the link below.


{CGAP Briefing Note 11 - A decade of donations in the UK: household gifts to charity, 2001-11}{}