Professor Ben Rickayzen
Professor of Actuarial Science
Bayes Business School, Faculty of Actuarial Science and Insurance
- +44 (0)20 7040 8499
Visit Ben Rickayzen
Room BR5074, Bunhill Row
Postal address
106 Bunhill Row
United Kingdom
Ben Rickayzen graduated with a first class honours degree in Mathematics from the University of Nottingham in 1984. He qualified as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in 1990. From university, he joined the actuarial consultants, Bacon and Woodrow, and worked in their pensions consultancy until 1994 when he joined the Department of Actuarial Science at City University as a lecturer. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2000, and to Professor of Actuarial Science in 2013. He was Head of Faculty of Actuarial Science and Insurance from January 2008 to August 2022.
- PhD in Actuarial Science, City University London, London, United Kingdom, Dec 2007
- Fellow of Institute of Actuaries, Institute of Actuaries, United Kingdom, Jul 1990
- Fellow of Institute of Actuaries, Institute of Actuaries, United Kingdom, Jul 1990
- First class honours BSc in Mathematics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, Sep 1981 – Jul 1984
- Member of Long Term Care Expert Panel, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, 2011 – present
- Associate Dean, Teaching & Learning (Acting), Bayes Business School, Aug 2010 – Aug 2011
- Head of Department, Faculty of Actuarial Science & Insurance, 2008 – 2022
- Head of Faculty of Actuarial Science and Insurance, Bayes Business School, Jan 2008 – Aug 2022
- Executive Committee member of The Actuarial Network at City (TANC), Bayes Business School, 2008 – 2022
- Teaching Champion/Advisor for Faculty, Bayes Business School, 2006 – 2015
- Director, MSc Actuarial Management, 2006 – 2008
- Admissions Tutor, BSc Actuarial Science, 1994 – 2001
Memberships of professional organisations
- Fellow, Institute of Actuaries, Jul 1990 – present
Primary topics
- Actuarial Science
- Annuities
- Demography
- Insurance
Additional topics
- Health Insurance
- Pensions
- health care
- insurance
Geographic Areas
- Europe
-Designing insurance or other financial products which might help individuals to satisfactorily fund their long term care
-Investigating how lifestyle impacts on decisions over optimum way to pay for long term care
Investigating the years of life lost from being obese
Currently involved in a project involving a huge dataset of anonymised patient records. The research focuses on the pathways of patients with chronic diseases.
Investigating whether adverse or advantageous selection takes place amongst policyholders who take out private health insurance.
Research students
Leonel Rodrigues
Attendance: Sep 2014 – present, full-time
Thesis title: Topics in health insurance
Role: 2nd Supervisor
- Booth, P., Chadburn, R., Haberman, S., James, D., Khorasanee, Z., Plumb, R. … Rickayzen, B. (2005). Modern actuarial theory and practice. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton. ISBN 978-1-58488-368-5.
- Karlsson, M., Mayhew, L. and Rickayzen, B. (2008). In Sickness and in Health? Dynamics of Health, Cohabitation in United Kingdom. In Dawson, S. and Morris, Z.S. (Eds.), Future Public Health: Burdens, Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 155–174). Cambridge: Palgrave Macmillan.
Conference papers and proceedings (28)
- Kenny, T., Barnfield, J., Daly, L., Dunn, A., Passey, D., Rickayzen, B. … Teow, A. (2016). The Future of Social Care Funding - Who Pays? Sessional Research Event: The Future of Social Care funding – Who Pays? 18 April, Staple Inn Hall, London, UK.
- Kenny, T., Barnfield, J., Daly, L., Dunn, A., Passey, D., Rickayzen, B. … Teow, A. (2015). How financial products can work alongside the Care Act 2014 to help people pay for care. Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Round-table London.
- Kenny, T., Barnfield, J., Curtis, D., Daly, L., Dunn, A., Passey, P. … Teow, A. (2014). How can pensions help meet consumer needs under the new Social Care regime. IFoA Sponsored seminar London, UK.
- Rickayzen, B., Mayhew, L. and Karlsson, M. (2011). The role of private finance in paying for long term care. Institute of Actuaries' Health and Care Conference Brighton, UK.
- Rickayzen, B., Mayhew, L. and Karlsson, M. (2010). The role of private finance in paying for long term care. British Society for Population Studies � Annual Conference Exeter, UK.
- Rickayzen, B.D., Rasulo, D. and Mayhew, L. (2008). Changes in disease life expectancy over time and differences between the sexes in England. ESRC Research Festival Oxford.
- Rickayzen, B.D., Rasulo, D. and Mayhew, L. (2008). Changes in disease life expectancy over time and differences between the sexes in England. European Population Conference 2008 Barcelona, Spain.
- Rickayzen, B.D., Rasulo, D. and Mayhew, L. (2008). Decomposition of changes in disability-free life expectancy in England. ESRC UPTAP Workshop 2008 Leeds.
- Rickayzen, B.D., Karlsson, M. and Mayhew, L. (2007). Developing individualised life tables. St Andrews, Scotland.
- Rickayzen, B.D. (2007). Disability-linked annuities: under-rated tools for meeting LTC needs? Actuarial Profession's Healthcare Conference Manchester.
- Rickayzen, B.D., Karlssson, M. and Mayhew, L. (2006). In Sickness and in Health? Analysing the Dynamics of Health and Cohabitation among British Adults. CES-HESG Workshop City University.
- Rickayzen, B.D., Karlsson, M. and Mayhew, L. (2005). Demand for Tailor Made LTC Insurance - Preliminary Research Findings. Actuarial Health Conference Warwick University.
- Rickayzen, B.D., Karlsson, M. and Mayhew, L. (2005). What influences our demand for long-term care insurance? Ageing Population Conference St Anne's College, Oxford.
- Karlsson, M., Mayhew, L., Rickayzen, B. and Plumb, R. (2004). Long term care financing in 4 OECD countries. Actuarial Teachers Conference Institute of Economic Affairs, London.
- Karlsson, M., Mayhew, L., Rickayzen, B. and Plumb, R. (2004). Long term care financing in 4 OECD countries. Staple Inn Actuarial Society (SIAS) Staple Inn Hall, London, UK.
- Rickayzen, B.D., Karlsson, M., Mayhew, L. and Plumb, R. (2003). A comparative study of long term care provision in the UK, Germany, Sweden and Japan. Actuarial Health Conference Warwick University.
- Rickayzen, B.D. (2002). An investigation disability-linked annuities. Watson Wyatt seminar series Reigate.
- Rickayzen, B.D. (2002). An investigation into disability-linked annuities. ABI Long term care committee London.
- Rickayzen, B.D. and Walsh, D. (2001). A multi state model of disability for the UK: Implications for future need for long term care for the elderly. 14th IUSSP World Population Conference 18-24 August, Salvador, Brazil.
- Rickayzen, B.D. and Walsh, D. (2001). A long term care projection model for the UK. IASSA Health Conference British Academy, London.
- Rickayzen, B.D. and Walsh, D. (2001). A long term care projection model for the UK. Long term care one-day workshop London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
- Rickayzen, B.D. and Walsh, D. (2000). Developing a long term care projection model for the UK. Actuarial Teachers' Conference University of Cambridge.
- Rickayzen, B.D., Butt, Z. and Haberman, S. (2000). Insolvency risks from process errors facing PHI insurers. Actuarial Health Conference Torquay.
- Haberman, S., Butt, Z. and Rickayzen, B. (2000). Multiple State Models, Simulation and Insurer Insolvency. 31st ASTIN Colloquium Porto Cervo, Sardinia, Italy.
- Rickayzen, B.D. and Walsh, D. (1999). Developing a long term care projection model. Actuarial Health Conference Warwick University.
- Rickayzen, B.D. and Walsh, D. (1999). Developing a long term care projection model for the UK. REVES 11 World Health Conference on Healthy Life Expectancy London.
- Rickayzen, B.D. and Ainslie, R. (1999). Development of a long term care projection model. LSE Health Conference LSE, London.
- Rickayzen, B.D., Butt, Z. and Chadburn, R. (1999). Process risk in PHI business. Actuarial Health Conference Warwick University.
Journal articles (17)
- Isakson, A., Krummaker, S., Martínez-Miranda, M.D. and Rickayzen, B. (2021). Calendar Effect and In-Sample Forecasting Applied to Mesothelioma Mortality Data. Mathematics, 9(18), pp. 2260–2260. doi:10.3390/math9182260.
- Mayhew, L., Rickayzen, B. and Smith, D. (2021). Flexible and Affordable Methods of Paying for Long-Term Care Insurance. North American Actuarial Journal, 25(sup1). doi:10.1080/10920277.2019.1651657.
- Karlsson, M., Klohn, F. and Rickayzen, B. (2018). The role of heterogeneous parameters for the detection of selection in insurance contracts. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 83, pp. 110–121. doi:10.1016/j.insmatheco.2018.08.002.
- Kenny, T., Barnfield, J., Daly, L., Dunn, A., Passey, D., Rickayzen, B. … Teow, A. (2017). The future of social care funding: who pays? British Actuarial Journal pp. 1–35. doi:10.1017/S135732171600012X.
- Ashwell, M., Mayhew, L., Richardson, J. and Rickayzen, B. (2014). Waist-to-Height Ratio Is More Predictive of Years of Life Lost than Body Mass Index. PLoS ONE, 9(9). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103483.
- Mayhew, L. and Rickayzen, B. (2012). The ageing population: Crunch time for government reforms. Economic Affairs, 32(2), pp. 96–100. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0270.2012.02165.x.
- Mayhew, L. and Rickayzen, B. (2012). The ageing population: Crunch time for government reforms. Institute of Economic Affairs.
- Mayhew, L., Karlsson, M. and Rickayzen, B. (2010). The role of private finance in paying for long term care. Economic Journal, 120(548). doi:10.1111/j.1468-0297.2010.02388.x.
- Karlsson, M., Mayhew, L. and Rickayzen, B. (2008). Individualised Life Tables: Investigating Dynamics of Health, Work and Cohabitation in the UK. Journal of Population Ageing, 1(2-4), pp. 153–191. doi:10.1007/s12062-009-9008-2.
- Karlsson, M., Mayhew, L. and Rickayzen, B. (2007). Long term care financing in 4 OECD countries: fiscal burden and distributive effects. Health Policy, 80, pp. 107–134.
- Karlsson, M., Mayhew, L. and Rickayzen, B. (2007). Long term care financing in four OECD countries: fiscal burden and distributive effects. Health Policy, 80(1), pp. 107–134. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2006.02.002.
- Karlsson, M., Mayhew, L., Plumb, R. and Rickayzen, B. (2006). Future costs for long-term care: cost projections for long-term care for older people in the United Kingdom. Health Policy, 75(2), pp. 187–213. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2005.03.006.
- Karlsson, M., Mayhew, L., Plumb, R. and Rickayzen, B. (2006). Future costs for long-term care: Cost projections for long-term care for older people in the United Kingdom. , 75(2), pp. 187–213.
- Haberman, S., Butt, Z. and Rickayzen, B. (2004). Measuring Process Risk in Income Protection Insurance. ASTIN Bulletin, 34(1), pp. 199–227. doi:10.1017/s0515036100013957.
- Rickayzen, B.D. and Walsh, D.E.P. (2002). A Multi-State Model of Disability for the United Kingdom: Implications for Future Need for Long-Term Care for the Elderly. British Actuarial Journal, 8(2), pp. 341–393. doi:10.1017/s1357321700003755.
- Rickayzen, B.D. (2001). A sensitivity analysis of the paprameters used in a PHI multiple state model. Journal of Actuarial Practice, 9, pp. 189–212.
- Haberman, S., Butt, Z. and Rickayzen, B. (2000). Multiple State models, Simulation and Insurer Insolvency. Giornale dell' Istituto Italiano degli Attuari, XLIII, pp. 83–109.
Reports (16)
- Rickayzen, B., Mayhew, L. and Smith, D.A. (2017). Does living in a retirement village extend life expectancy? The case of Whiteley Village..
- Rickayzen, B., Mayhew, L. and Smith, D. (2017). Flexible and affordable methods of paying for long-term care insurance. London: International Longevity Centre.
- Kenny, T., Barnfield, J., Daly, L., Dunn, A., Passey, D., Rickayzen, B. … Teow, A. (2015). How financial products can work alongside the Care Act 2014 to help people pay for care. Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA).
- Kenny, T., Barnfield, J., Curtis, D., Daly, L., Dunn, A., Passey, D. … Teow, A. (2014). How pensions can help meet consumer needs under the new Social Care regime. The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA).
- Karlsson, M., Klohn, F. and Rickayzen, B. (2012). Are the dimensions of private information more multiple than expected? Information asymmetries in the market of supplementary private health insurance in England. London: Faculty of Actuarial Science & Insurance, City University London..
- Rickayzen, B. and Booth, P. (2011). Who cares? The implications of a new partnership to fund long-term care. [revised and republished in the Journal of Property Valuation and Investment: see above)..
- Mayhew, L., Richardson, J. and Rickayzen, B. (2009). A study into the detrimental effects of obesity on life expectancy in the UK. Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.
- Rasulo, D., Mayhew, L. and Rickayzen, B. (2009). The Decomposition of Disease and Disability Life Expectancies in England, 1992-2004. Cass Business School, City University.
- Mayhew, L., Richardson, J. and Rickayzen, B. (2009). A study into the detrimental effects of obesity on life in the UK. London: Cass Business School, City University London.
- Mayhew, L., Karlsson, M. and Rickayzen, B. (2009). The market potential for privately financed long term care products in the UK. London: Faculty of Actuarial Science and Insurance, Cass Business School. ISBN 978-1-905752-19-5.
- Mayhew, L., Karlsson, M. and Rickayzen, B. (2007). In Sickness and in Health? Dynamics of health and cohabitation in the United Kingdom. Cass Business School: Cass Business School. ISBN 978-1-905752-07-2.
- Rickayzen, B. (2007). An analysis of disability-linked annuities. London: Faculty of Actuarial Science and Insurance, Cass Business School. ISBN 978-1-905752-09-6.
- Karlsson, M., Mayhew, L. and Rickayzen, B. (2006). Investigating the market potential for customised long term care insurance products. London: Faculty of Actuarial Science & Insurance, Cass Business School, City University. ISBN 1-905752-01-6.
- Mayhew, L., Karlsson, M., Plumb, R. and Rickayzen, B.D. (2004). An international comparison of long-term care arrangements: an investigation into the equity, efficiency and sustainability of long-term care systems in Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. London: Cass Business School.
- Karlsson, M., Mayhew, L., Plumb, R. and Rickayzen, B. (2004). An international comparison of long-term care arrangements. London: Faculty of Actuarial Science and Statistics, Cass Business School, City University. ISBN 978-1-901615-78-4.
- Haberman, S., Rickayzen, B. and Butt, Z. (2001). Multiple State Models, Simulation and Insurer Insolvency. London: Faculty of Actuarial Science & Insurance, City University.
Scholarly edition
- Karlsson, M., Klohn, F. and Rickayzen, B. (2012). Are the dimensions of private information more multiple than expected? Information asymmetries in the market of supplementary private health insurance in England.
- Rickayzen, B.D. Some actuarial aspects of health insurance. (PhD)
Working papers (4)
- Rickayzen, B. and Walsh, D.E.P. (2000). A model for projecting the number of people who will require long-term care in the future. Part I: data considerations. London, UK: Faculty of Actuarial Science & Insurance, City University London.
- Rickayzen, B. and Walsh, D.E.P. (2000). A model for projecting the number of people who will require long-term care in the future. Part II: the multiple state model. City University London: Faculty of Actuarial Science & Insurance, City University London.
- Rickayzen, B. and Walsh, D.E.P. (2000). A model for projecting the number of people who will require long-term care in the future. Part III: the projected numbers and the funnel of doubt. London, UK: Faculty of Actuarial Science & Insurance, City University London.
- Rickayzen, B. (1997). A sensitivity analysis of the parameters used in a PHI multiple state model. Faculty of Actuarial Science & Insurance, City University of London.
Professional activities
Consultancy (2)
- Howard Kennedy Fsi LLP (Private Sector) (Jul 2014)
I was employed by the above firm of London solicitors to be an expert witness for their clients. Two students had been accused by the IFoA of receiving information about one of the professional exams before the exam had taken place. The panel found my report to be compelling and, as a result, found both students to be not guilty. - Institute of Actuaries of India (Public Sector) (Sep 2010 – present)
In 2010, I was asked by the IFoA to act as their External Examiner for the subject CT1 being set by the Institute of Actuaries of India. I relinquished this role in Feb 2016.
Editorial activity (5)
- Risk, Referee, 2015 – present.
- Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, Referee, 2011 – present.
- Annals of Actuarial Science, Referee, 2009 – present.
- ASTIN Bulletin, Referee, 2005 – present.
- British Actuarial Journal, Associate Editor, 2001 – 2008.
Events/conferences (34)
- Sessional Meeting of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. (Public lecture) Staple Inn Hall, London (2016). Invited speaker.
Paper: The Future of Social Care Funding - Who Pays?
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: J Barnfield, L Daly, A Dunn, T Kenny, D Passey and A Teow - Actuarial Researchers and Teachers Conference. (Conference) UEA, UK (2016). Invited speaker.
Paper: Surveying the long term care landscape in England following the delay in implementing parts of the Care Act 2014
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: J Barnfield, L Daly, A Dunn, T Kenny, D Passey and A Teow - Roundtable event organised by Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. (Workshop) London (2015). Invited speaker.
Paper: How financial products can work alongside the Care Act 2014 to help people pay for care
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: Products Research Group of Long Term Care & Pensions Working Party (Chair: Tom Kenny) - Actuarial Research Centre. (Conference) California, USA (2014).
Paper: The Impact of Relative Poverty on Mortality Rates in the UK
Author: Smith D
Co-authors: Z Butt, L Mayhew, B Rickayzen, S Waples (poster presented by D Smith) - IFoA sponsored seminar. (Seminar) London (2014). Invited speaker.
Paper: How can pensions help meet consumer needs under the new Social Care regime?
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: Products Research Group of Long Term Care & Pensions Working Party (Chair: Tom Kenny) - ILPN: 3rd International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care. (Conference) London (2014).
Paper: How can pensions help meet consumer needs under the new Social Care regime?
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: T Kenny - British Society for Population Studies (BSPS). (Conference) Worcester, UK (2014).
Paper: The Impact of Relative Poverty on Mortality Rates in the UK
Author: Smith D
Co-authors: Z Butt, L Mayhew, B Rickayzen, S Waples (poster presented by D Smith) - 20th European Congress on Obesity. (Conference) Liverpool (2013).
Paper: Waist-to-height ratio could be better at predicting life expectancy than BMI
Author: Rickayzen B
Co-authors: M Ashwell (presented our poster), L Mayhew, J Richardson - ILPN: 2nd International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care. (Conference) LSE, London, UK (2012).
Paper: A private-public partnership model for funding long term care in the UK
Author: Rickayzen B (sole presenter)
Co-authors: L Mayhew, M Karlsson - Institute of Actuaries' Health and Care Conference. (Conference) Brighton, UK (2011).
Paper: The role of private finance in paying for long term care
Author: Rickayzen B
Co-authors: L Mayhew (sole presenter), M Karlsson - British Society for Population Studies – Annual Conference. (Conference) Exeter, UK (2010).
Paper: The role of private finance in paying for long term care
Author: Rickayzen B
Co-authors: L.Mayhew (sole presenter), M.Karlsson - ESRC Research Festival. (Seminar) Oxford (2008). Invited speaker.
Paper: Changes in disease life expectancy over time and differences between the sexes in England
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: D.Rasulo (sole presenter), L.Mayhew - ESRC UPTAP Workshop 2008. (Workshop) Leeds (2008).
Paper: Decomposition of changes in disability-free life expectancy in England
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: D.Rasulo, L.Mayhew - European Population Conference 2008. (Conference) Barcelona, Spain (2008).
Paper: Changes in disease life expectancy over time and differences between the sexes in England
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: D.Rasulo (sole presenter), L.Mayhew - (Conference) St Andrews, Scotland (2007).
Paper: Developing individualised life tables
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: M. Karlsson (sole presenter), L.Mayhew - Actuarial Profession's Healthcare Conference. (Conference) Manchester (2007).
Paper: Disability-linked annuities: under-rated tools for meeting LTC needs?
Author: Rickayzen B D - CES-HESG Workshop. (Workshop) City University (2006).
Paper: In Sickness and in Health? Analysing the Dynamics of Health and Cohabitation among British Adults
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: M. Karlssson (sole presenter), L Mayhew - Ageing Population Conference. (Conference) St Anne's College, Oxford (2005).
Paper: What influences our demand for long-term care insurance?
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: M.Karlsson (sole presenter), L.Mayhew - Actuarial Health Conference. (Conference) Warwick University (2005).
Paper: Demand for Tailor Made LTC Insurance - Preliminary Research Findings
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: M. Karlsson (sole presenter), L. Mayhew - Staple Inn Actuarial Society. (Seminar) Staple Inn Hall, London (2004). Invited speaker.
Paper: Long term care financing in 4 OECD countries
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: M.Karlsson, L. Mayhew and R.Plumb - Actuarial Teachers Conference. (Conference) Institute of Economic Affairs, London (2004).
Paper: Long term care financing in 4 OECD countries
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: M. Karlsson, L.Mayhew and R.Plumb - Actuarial Health Conference. (Conference) Warwick University (2003).
Paper: A comparative study of long term care provision in the UK, Germany, Sweden and Japan
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: M. Karlsson, L. Mayhew, R.Plumb (note: I could not be present) - Watson Wyatt seminar series. (Seminar) Reigate (2002). Invited speaker.
Paper: An investigation disability-linked annuities
Author: Rickayzen B D - ABI Long term care committee. (Seminar) London (2002). Invited speaker.
Paper: An investigation into disability-linked annuities
Author: Rickayzen B D - Long term care one-day workshop. (Workshop) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2001). Invited speaker.
Paper: A long term care projection model for the UK
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: D Walsh - IUSSP World Population Conference. (Conference) Salvador, Brazil (2001).
Paper: A long term care projection model for the UK
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: D Walsh - IASSA Health Conference. (Conference) British Academy, London (2001). Invited speaker.
Paper: A long term care projection model for the UK
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: D Walsh - Ethics and insurance. (Conference) Policy studies institute (2000). Organising Committee.
- Actuarial Teachers' Conference. (Conference) University of Cambridge (2000). Invited speaker.
Paper: Developing a long term care projection model for the UK
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: D Walsh - Actuarial Health Conference. (Conference) Torquay (2000).
Paper: Insolvency risks from process errors facing PHI insurers
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: Z Butt, S. Haberman - REVES 11 World Health Conference on Healthy Life Expectancy. (Conference) London (1999).
Paper: Developing a long term care projection model for the UK
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: D Walsh - LSE Health Conference. (Conference) LSE, London (1999). Invited speaker.
Paper: Development of a long term care projection model
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: R. Ainslie - Actuarial Health Conference. (Conference) Warwick University (1999). Invited speaker.
Paper: Developing a long term care projection model
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: D Walsh - Actuarial Health Conference. (Conference) Warwick University (1999).
Paper: Process risk in PHI business
Author: Rickayzen B D
Co-authors: Z. Butt, R. Chadburn
Media appearances (14)
- (2012) Sky News (television).
- (2012) Sky News (television).
- Egg for brekkie 'better than wheat for weight loss'. (2012) (website).
- New products will prevent 'cliff edge of care'. (2012) (website).
- Plus gros tu meurs: esperance de vie et tour de taille. (2012) (website).
- How height divided by waist adds up. (2012) (website).
- Neue forchungsergbnisse zu fettleibigkeit. (2011) (website).
- (2010) Financial Adviser.
- Further austerity needed to pay for elderly care. (2010) Daily Telegraph (newspaper).
- A new study. (2009) Pensions Week.
- News round-up from Cass Business School. (2009) (website).
- L'obesita puo togliere fino a 10 anni di vita. (2009) (website).
- Cass Business School: l'obsita puo to gliere fin o a 10 anni di vita. (2009) (website).
- A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips. (2009) The Actuary.