From Amman to London: Balancing life as a commuting Executive MBA student

Samia Yousef, a Modular Executive MBA student, provides insights into handling the logistics of monthly travel, maintaining a balance between work and education, and overcoming challenges.

As a Modular Executive MBA student commuting from Jordan, I am pursuing my studies at Bayes Business School in London while also serving as a PMO group director at Eastnets - a global enterprise that extends compliance and payment solutions for the financial services industry. I would like to take this opportunity to share the experiences and challenges of my educational journey, particularly my monthly commute between Jordan and the UK to pursue my MBA at Bayes. I am humbled by the constant support from all quarters, including Eastnets, my family, and the University, which has made this journey possible and rewarding.

Commute from Jordan and the logistics

Living in Jordan and studying in London may sound overwhelming, but with proper planning, it is very much doable. Every month, I go to London to attend two modules at Bayes. The journey from Jordan usually takes around eight hours, including flight time. It's essential to carefully manage the prices of flights and hotel accommodations, as they can significantly impact the overall experience. By staying organised and vigilant, I've been able to find the best deals and make the most of my trips.

Balancing work, travel, and education

Managing my time between work and travel has been one of the biggest challenges. However, I'm fortunate to have the unwavering support of Eastnets, my employer. They understand the value of continued education and have been incredibly supportive throughout my MBA journey. Additionally, the support I have received from my family has played a crucial role in balancing my professional and academic commitments.

Challenges faced and overcome

Commute delays and the occasional airport hiccups can be frustrating, but it's all part of the experience. Over time, I've learned to embrace the unexpected and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. By staying calm, proactive, and always having a backup plan, I've overcome these challenges and made the most out of any situation.

The tips and advice I would give to students considering commuting for their MBA are:

  1. Plan ahead: Make sure to book flights and accommodations well in advance to secure the best prices and availability.
  2. Stay organised: Use calendars, apps, or any system that helps you manage your time effectively between work, travel, and studies.
  3. Create a support system: Seek support from your employer, family, and friends. Tell them about your commitments and ask for their understanding and assistance when needed.
  4. Utilise travel time: Make the most of your flight time to study and work. This allows you to optimise your productivity and stay on top of your academic and professional responsibilities.
  5. Embrace new opportunities: Commuting from overseas offers a unique chance to meet people from different countries and cultures. Take advantage of networking events and social gatherings to expand your professional and personal network.

Photo of Samia and friends in front of Bayes sign

What a typical study weekend looks like

When I am in London for study weekends, I attend MBA study sessions, where I participate in group discussions with my classmates and attend lectures. I usually prioritise work-related matters in the evenings, such as responding to urgent requests. However, I do take some time out occasionally to explore the city, meet up with classmates, or practice self-care to recharge for the upcoming week.

Photo of London Bus and street

The Bayes experience

Being an MBA student at Bayes has been an enriching and transformative journey. The University provides tremendous support in case of any urgent needs, making it easier to manage the demands of work and education. The knowledge imparted by knowledgeable and expert professors is invaluable, ensuring that we receive the latest insights and skills relevant to the rapidly evolving business world. The supportive faculty, engaging curriculum, and innovative learning environment at Bayes helped shape my personal and professional growth.

Wrap up

Commuting from Jordan to study at Bayes Business School has ups and downs. It's not always easy, but with the support of my employer, family, and the University, it is an incredibly rewarding experience. So, if you're considering joining Bayes as an MBA student from overseas, be assured that you'll receive unwavering support, gain the latest knowledge, and be taught by brilliant professors. Trust me, it's an adventure worth embarking on!