Degree apprenticeships: brochure request

Degree Apprenticeships - Brochure request

The programme brochure will download on completion of the following information.
*Required fields

Your Privacy

Your trust is very important to us. This means City is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. It is important that you read this notice so that you are aware of how and why we are using such information. This privacy notice describes how we collect and use personal information about you during and after your relationship with us, in accordance with data protection law.


City will collect and process the personal information that you have provided to us about yourself in this form, for the purpose of sending you an acknowledgement email and a reminder email to register for upcoming dates for this programme. City is the 'data controller' of this information. The legal basis on which City processes your personal information is public task – City is an educational and research establishment and in particular its educational and research activity is conducted in a public interest (including your interest and the interest of others. City will store and your personal information for a period of 1 year to contact you about the programme that you have expressed your interest in. We will do this securely and will never sell, rent or lease it to 3rd parties.


Would you like to join our mailing list?


Please use the tick-boxes below and choose which mailing list communications you wish to receive. We will send you relevant information about upcoming programmes and content in the programme area of interest you have ticked below.

We will only contact you for marketing purposes where you have expressly consented for us to do so and you can unsubscribe at any time through selecting the relevant unsubscribe option in the message itself.


If you have any questions about how City handles your personal information, or you wish to find out about your rights, please visit City’s Privacy Policy. You will also be able to find out more information about how City processes your information and how you can contact City’s Data Protection Officer. Where there is inconsistency between those documents and this notice, this notice shall prevail.

If you raise a concern with City about the way it has handled your personal information, you are entitled to lodge a concern with a supervisory authority. In the UK, the supervisory authority is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).