Core modules 7 & 8

Human Resource Management

The Human Resource Management module aims to stimulate thinking and understanding about the management of people in an organisational context.  The focus is on specific human resource management practices and policies, their effectiveness as well as skills necessary for their implementation.  The course is designed for line managers and it is not intended to meet the detailed technical requirements of full-time HR professionals.

Learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this module, you will be expected to be able understand and have skills in:

  • Introduction to HRM: best-practices, best-fit and stakeholder approaches
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Talent and career management
  • Performance management: appraisals & pay/rewards
  • Work-life balance and employee well-being.

Business Economics

A practical understanding of the tools and language used by economists to analyse individual and organisational behavior (microeconomics), and the functioning of economies and networks of economies as a whole (macroeconomics). This in turn is intended to give you an appreciation of the relevance to business of economic thinking, news about the economy, and high-level policy debates.

Learning outcomes:

  • Develop practical and analytical skills to examine cost and production concepts in different market structures
  • Make informed and critical judgments about commentary and analysis written by professional economists
  • Understand why different countries are at different stages of economic development
  • Understand how the ethical, moral and legal/ regulatory norms of a society affect the way individuals, firms and markets make economic decisions.