Actuarial Science MSc

Key information
Duration: 12 months
Attendance mode: Full-time
Location: Bunhill Row
Start of programme: September 2025
Application deadline: Rolling applications
Entry year: Showing course information for 2025
Prepare for a high-flying diverse actuarial career with our agile master’s degree
Actuarial Science MSc Who is it for?
Take this first step to a rewarding career as an actuary if you have strong technical ability, an interest in solving business problems, and an appreciation of the risks that changes in the world bring about.
Our MSc in Actuarial Science gives you a firm grounding in the fundamentals of actuarial science in insurance, finance and investment, and business analytics methods. You will have the equivalent of UK upper second class degree in a highly quantitative programme, so you will be ready to study in detail the mathematical and statistical techniques for measuring the probability and risk of future events and their financial impact on a business and/or their clients.
You will be taught and receive advice on study and exam techniques by qualified actuaries, academics and other subject-specialists with commercial experience and research expertise.
50th anniversary of actuarial science at Bayes
This year marks the 50th anniversary of actuarial science at Bayes, a milestone for its esteemed Faculty of Actuarial Science and Insurance (FASI). Established five decades ago, FASI continues to be pioneering and highly respected, continuously evolving with market trends and cultivating students who drive innovation and shape the future of the industry.
How to become an actuary
For aspiring actuaries who thrive on innovative thinking and creativity
An enduring and constantly evolving degree embracing traditional and cutting-edge actuarial fields
Ranked 1st Business School in Europe for actuarial research. Top 50 UNL Global Research Rankings of Actuarial Science and Risk Management & Insurance.
Course objectives
As the needs of the actuarial profession and the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries evolve, the skill set of actuaries is used in wider applications in both traditional and non-traditional fields, and the intake of overseas members increases, this programme is designed to reflect these challenges and ensure that it is fit for purpose for actuaries in an ever-changing global business environment. It is very flexibly designed offering you several study options to choose from.
On this postgraduate course, you will study statistics, probability, stochastic processes, survival models, economics, finance and investment, insurance, pensions, financial modelling and contracts valuation, with computer-based applications.
This broad and varied syllabus is equivalent to the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ Core Mathematics, Core Statistics and Core Business professional examinations (Subjects CM1, CM2, CS1, CS2, CB1, CB2), and enables you to gain exemptions from them. In addition, you will have the opportunity to study modelling practice, by applying actuarial techniques to solve real-world problems, and communication with non-actuaries on topics related to actuarial practice, that will enable you to gain exemptions from Subjects CP2 and CP3.
Finally, you will be offered a collection of Business Analytics modules to select from as electives.
If you succeed on the MSc in Actuarial Science or the MSc in Actuarial Science with Business Analytics you can also proceed to the MSc in Actuarial Management.
"As one of the finest business schools in the world, I hoped it would offer me an open career path into one of the major organisations in London. Bayes is also the only school in London that offers an MSc in Actuarial Science. The modules were very practical, and have enabled me to apply my learning to what I do now. For example, I did modules in pensions, and machine learning and contingencies. These provided me with a strong basis and understanding of all the business concerns that are applied to my work."
- Andreas Chatzineofytou
Teaching staff
The teaching staff on the MSc in Actuarial Science have many years of practical experience working in the insurance, pensions and financial services sectors and are also active researchers in their fields. This knowledge and experience inform the highly interactive lectures that make up the MSc in Actuarial Science.
Course Director:

Module leaders include:
- Professor Vali Asimit
- Dr Zoltan Butt
- Dr Michail Chronopoulos
- Dr Russell Gerrard
- Dr Zaki Khorasanee
- Professor Ioannis Kyriakou
- Dr Pietro Millossovich
- Professor Jens Perch Nielsen
- Professor Keith Pilbeam
- Dr Iqbal Owadally
- Professor Rosalba Radice
- Professor Ben Rickayzen
- Dr Douglas Wright
- Dr Rui Zhu
- Mrs Komal Shah
- Mr David Hargreaves
- Mr Nick Silver
Accreditation details
Bayes Business School is recognised as a Center of Actuarial Excellence (CAE) from the Society of Actuaries (SOA), one of the main actuarial professional bodies in the US. Together with our accreditation by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries in the UK, this reinforces our establishment as a global hub for actuarial studies and intellectual capital development. Our courses are also recognised as preparing students for certain SOA actuarial exams.
Course content
On the MSc Actuarial Science you will:
- Summarise and critically assess fundamental concepts in statistics, economics, finance, investment and business
- Recognise and apply actuarial theory used in investment, insurance and probability modelling
- Evaluate research papers and professional texts to produce an independent synthesis of knowledge and ideas
- Demonstrate proficiency in the use of actuarial and statistical methods to solve problems in insurance, investment and analytics problems
- Evaluate and apply alternative approaches in the analysis of financial reports
- Develop and communicate effectively reasoned arguments on current issues relating to actuarial theory and practice
- Use software as an effective tool for data analysis and financial modelling
- Build on core principles to develop core modelling and communication practices.
Note: the key difference from the MSc in Actuarial Science with Business Analytics is that the Business Analytics modules are only offered as electives in this programme.
Course structure
Programme content is subject to change. We regularly review our module offering and amend to keep up to date and relevant.
Induction weeks
All our MSc courses start with two compulsory induction weeks which include relevant refresher courses, pre-study programming modules, an introduction to the careers services and the annual careers fair.
Pre-Study Modules
Introduction to R Programming
This module is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of R programming and no previous programming experience is expected. The teaching model is learning by doing and basic concepts are built up in an incremental manner. The teaching material is formulated via multiple R code examples that enable the students to work independently when dealing with small R programming tasks.
Introduction to Python Programming
This module is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of Python programming and no previous programming experience is expected. The teaching model is learning by doing and basic concepts are built up in an incremental manner. The teaching material is formulated via multiple Python code examples that enable the students to work independently when dealing with small Python programming tasks.
Both programming modules are designed to provide a fundamental understanding of R and Python. They are highly recommended for all the students on the programme. You are encouraged to undertake these modules so that you can get the most out of your degree. Completing these two modules will also help you with the computer-based elements of the CM and CS subjects.
Term 1
Compulsory Modules
Financial Mathematics (CM1(1))
You will learn how to apply compound interest theory to find the present value or the accumulation of a cash flow, and to apply financial mathematics to solve a wide range of practical problems also via computer-based applications. You will analyse and compare alternative capital projects and perform investment valuation.
Along with Contingencies (CM1(2)), this module will cover Subject CM1 of the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ professional examinations.
Elective Modules
Probability and Mathematical Statistics (CS1)
This module will enable you to master the axioms of probability and conditional probability, the concept of a random variable and a probability distribution, and to define and use generating functions. You will apply and debate the principles of statistical inference, explain and evaluate the theory underlying statistical techniques.
You will construct statistical displays of data, solve problems with more than one random variable, find moments of distributions, carry out and interpret linear regression and generalised linear regression models. You will test hypotheses and derive confidence intervals. You will explain the fundamental concepts of Bayesian statistics.
Finally, you will become proficient in a broad range of related computer-based applications in R. The module will cover Subject CS1 of the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ professional examinations.
Finance and Financial Reporting (CB1)
The module is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge to engage professionally with finance and financial reporting within a company. The finance section of the module will provide you with a basic understanding of the methods and types of instruments used by companies to raise finance. The financial reporting section will enable you to interpret the published financial statements of companies and financial institutions. The module will cover Subject CB1 of the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ professional examinations.
Business Economics (CB2)
This module will introduce you to fundamental concepts of economic analysis at both micro and macro levels, focusing on those areas most relevant to actuarial science. In doing so, it will cover Subject CB2 of the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ professional examinations.
Analytics Methods for Business (non-exemption module)
This module provides a collection of standard analytical methods and explains how data analysis is performed in the real world. It represents an introduction to specific tasks that a business analyst encounters on a daily basis, which ultimately help in analysing, communicating and validating recommendations to change the business and policies of an organisation. Furthermore, the module provides the foundation for using R to translate theory into practice.
Students with a prior exemption from CM1 may also be exempted from Bayes CM1(1) and CM1(2), subject to the provision of evidence of the prior exemption. However, they will be required to replace these with other term 1 and 2 modules.
Term 2
Compulsory Modules
Contingencies (CM1(2))
You will gain an understanding of a broad range of life insurance products and their pricing, and a mastery of life insurance mathematics. You will be able to calculate gross premiums and reserves for fixed and variable benefit contracts. You will be introduced to annuities and assurances involving two lives, and multiple decrement models. Finally, you will be able to apply mathematics and statistics to related practical problems via computer-based applications.
Along with Financial Mathematics (CM1(1)), this module will cover Subject CM1 of the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ professional examinations.
Elective Modules
Financial Economics (CM2)
You will develop a proficiency in the application of models used in financial economics and understand how they are used, also via computer-based applications. You will analyse insurance problems in terms of utility theory, define measures of investment risk, and describe how insurance companies help reduce or remove risk. You will be able to explain the assumptions and ideas underlying different financial models, and apply finance theory to assess risk, make portfolio decisions, model asset prices and interest rates, and evaluate derivatives. The module covers Subject CM2 of the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ professional examinations.
Insurance Risk Modelling (CS2)
This module aims to explain the fundamental risk modelling for insurance applications. Specifically, statistical and stochastic modelling for life and non-life insurance risks are discussed in order to cover Subject CS2 of the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ professional examinations. Various topics will be accompanied by computer-based applications.
Machine Learning (non-exemption module)
This module provides an overview of machine learning concepts, techniques and algorithms used in practice to describe and analyse complex data and design predictive analytics methods. You should expect to engage with the main idea and intuition behind modern machine learning tools from a practical perspective. Standard computing skills in R, Python and Matlab will be used to put in practice the theory discussed in the lectures.
Students with a prior exemption from CM1 may also be exempted from Bayes CM1(1) and CM1(2), subject to the provision of evidence of the prior exemption. However, they will be required to replace these with other term 1 and 2 modules.
Term 3
To complete the MSc in Actuarial Science, you have several options in your third term:
- Five electives plus Career Management Skills and Research Methods module
- Three electives plus a General Research project
- Modelling Practice (CP2), Professional Communication (CP3), two short electives plus the Career Management Skills and Research Methods module
- Modelling Practice (CP2), Professional Communication (CP3) and a General Research Project.
Subject to availability, you can also choose projects designed by our industry partners, including, for example, the Bank of England, Government Actuary’s Department and Guy Carpenter. Most of these projects are directly supervised by the industry partner representatives together with our academic staff.
Over the years, several students taking research projects with us have been recipients of the prestigious SCOR award.
General Research Project
This module will help you integrate your learning across a range of skills and in particular to enable you to demonstrate the results of your learning through the development of a final project. You may choose to complete more traditional academic desk research, complete a business plan or carry out a consultancy project and any reasonable proposal is acceptable providing that it is agreed with the project supervisor and the course director
Career Management Skills and Research Methods
Supporting your wider learning and career success through the development of key transferrable skills and attributes that you will use both in your programme and across your career. In particular: research and analysis, career planning and employability skills development, and sustainable working.
Develop a grounding in research methods, targeted to your particular degree requirements. You will be able to use these skills to support your learning, substantiate your arguments and make assessments about the nature of the evidence you are using.
Career and employability skills development, delivered in a highly targeted and applied format throughout the year, will help you develop your aspirations, take a planned and efficient approach to your job search and / or entrepreneurial plans, and help you create a strong base from which to manage your career in the longer term. The content of this module will also help you understand how to apply your learning in the wider context of your career.
Modelling Practice (CP2)
This module will provide you with an understanding of how to model data and processes using spreadsheets, how to document your work, analyse the methods used and outputs generated, and communicate the approach, results and conclusions to your junior and senior colleagues.
It covers Subject CP2 of the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ professional examinations.
Professional Communication (CP3)
You will be introduced to the skill of communicating with non-actuaries on topics related to actuarial practice. You will revise its main areas and study how technical actuarial concepts and other specialist information can be explained to clients in plain, jargon-free English. You will learn how to draft letters to those seeking professional advice in a manner suited to the level of knowledge of the recipient.
The module covers Subject CP3 of the UK Institute and Faculty of Actuaries’ professional examinations.
Short electives offered in 2023
The short electives will give you a breadth of subject matter in actuarial science, insurance, business analytics, areas of finance and investment.
- Applied Machine Learning
- Applied Natural Language Processing
- Data Management Systems
- Advanced Predictive Analytics
- Emerging Global Risks
- Financial Risk: The Future of Finance (jointly with USS)
- Topics in Quantitative Risk Management
- Ethics, Society and the Finance Sector
- Financial Crime
- Valuation of Financial Institutions.
International electives
- FinTech (taught in Italy)
- International Real Estate Markets (Dubai).
More about elective modules at Bayes
Please note that electives are subject to change and availability.
Download course specification:
Actuarial Science MSc [PDF]Assessment methods
Term dates
Term dates 2025/26
- Induction: 15th September 2025 - 26th September 2025
- Term one: 29th September 2025 - 12th December 2025
- Term one exams: 5th January 2026 - 16th January 2026
- Term two: 19th January 2026 - 3rd April 2026
- Term two exams: 20th April 2026 - 1st May 2026
- Term three - international electives: 4th May 2026 - 15th May 2026
- Term three: 18th May 2026 - 3rd July 2026
- Term three exams: 6th July 2026 - 17th July 2026
- Resits: 10th August 2026 - 21st August 2026
- Additional resit week - tests only: 24th August 2026 - 28th August 2026.
Course timetables are normally available from July and can be accessed from our timetabling pages. These pages also provide timetables for the current academic year, though this information should be viewed as indicative and details may vary from year to year.
Please note that all academic timetables are subject to change.

Your Master’s in Actuarial Science is a global professional passport to a challenging and rewarding career. If you love problem-solving become an actuary, and you will be constantly seeking new ways to approach information and data. Or you could work for business or government, advising on decisions that can change people’s lives. You will also be well equipped to work as an actuarial and risk analyst, consultant or underwriter in leading insurance, banking and professional services firms around the world.
You will get advice on your finding your ideal path and how to accomplish your career goals from our dedicated Careers Team.
The MSc in Actuarial Management serves as a continuation of the MSc in Actuarial Science allowing successful candidates to focus on the application of concepts learned, study the key areas of actuarial practice, choose from the various actuarial specialist subjects and attain further technical knowledge. Students taking that MSc get an opportunity to obtain further exemptions from the later professional subjects of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, enabling them to reach the highest possible level of the professional qualification.
Recent graduates have secured positions such as:
- Actuarial Analyst
- Trainee Actuary
- Model Management and Development Analyst
- Junior Specialist
- Auditor.
Download our latest MSc Employment Report
Dedicated to your success
From the moment you accept your offer, you'll have access to our dedicated Postgraduate Careers Service, tailored to support your career journey. Our Career Accelerator module, launched over the summer, provides early access to valuable resources, employer insights, and career planning tools to prepare you for the job market.
Our expert Postgraduate Careers Team, made up of experienced recruiters and career coaches offers personalised one-to-one guidance, covering everything from networking and CV building to job offer management and mock interviews.
Whether you’re pursuing a new career path, seeking an entry-level role, or launching your own business, you'll receive support to develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed.
You'll also benefit from exclusive events such as Careers Fairs, panel discussions, and networking opportunities with industry professionals and alumni, helping you explore career options and make valuable connections.
Workshops led by our Careers Team and industry experts cover essential professional skills, including presentation techniques, personal branding, and assessment centre success, ensuring you stand out in the job market.
Additionally, Bayes Careers Online (BCO) offers career planning tools, guidance leaflets, access to job postings directly from employers and key career events, helping you stay on track with your career goals.
Graduate Outcomes survey 2020-21
70.6% of graduates in employment or further study six months after completing the course, with a median salary of £32,178
Recent employers
Alumni stories
Fees & funding
UK/Home fee
September 2025 entry
MSc Full-time
Tuition fees are subject to annual change.
International fee
2025 entry
MSc Full-time
Tuition fees are subject to annual change.
Deposit: £2,000 (usually paid within 1 month of receiving offer and non-refundable unless conditions of offer are not met).
First installment: Half fees less deposit (payable during on-line registration which should be completed at least 5 days before the start of the induction period).
Second installment: Half fees (paid in January following start of course).
Tuition fee increases
Where applicable, tuition fees for Bayes' programmes will be subject to inflationary increases in each year of study. Our policy for these increases is set out in our terms and conditions of study.
Scholarships & bursaries
Scholarships, sponsorships, loans and other funding could support your education at Bayes Business School.
Learn about the cost of living as a Bayes student in London.
View our scholarships and fundingEntry requirements
- A UK upper second-class degree or higher, or the equivalent from an overseas institution, in a highly quantitative programme, such as mathematics, statistics, or engineering.
- Work experience is not a requirement of this course.
English language requirements
If you have been studying in the UK for the last three years it is unlikely that you will have to take an English language test.
If you have studied in the UK at degree level for less than three years (e.g. 3+1, 2+1, 2+2, etc.) you will be required to provide the results of an approved English language test and possibly resit the test to meet our academic entry requirements.
Full list of approved English language tests/qualifications and minimum requirements.
Please see our Application Guide for details of the documents you will need to supply as part of your application, and other useful information.
We cannot comment on individual eligibility before you apply. We can only make a decision on your application once it is fully complete, with all requested information received.
Frequently asked questionsApply for September 2025 entry
Individuals wishing to apply for either the MSc Actuarial Science or the MSc Actuarial Science with Business Analytics should apply for the MSc Actuarial Science in the first instance.
Applicants who are interested in the MSc Actuarial Science with Business Analytics will be able to opt for it during Term 1. They will need to provide a supporting personal statement and successfully pass the pre-entry modules Introduction to R Programming and Introduction to Python Programming.
We only accept online applications.
Individual Appointments
If you would like to arrange an individual appointment to discuss the application process and be given a tour of the facilities, please complete this form.
Please note - these are subject to availability and will be on campus.
Terms and conditions
Students applying to study at Bayes Business School are subject to City, University of London's terms and conditions.
Student life
We are located right in the heart of London. Being a student at City allows you to take advantage of all that London has to offer.
London is ranked first as 'Best Student City' in the world to study in (QS, 2025).
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